We also teamed up with influencer Chessie King and her Kettle loving boyfriend Matthew Carter to give the Sweet Chilli shaker a trial before it was shipped off to our lucky winner Nicole Lee.

Real fans are real cray for the taste of Kettle Chips. So cray they’d want anything to taste like them. Hence we decided to give them what they really deserved for Christmas - a crisp pack that's actually a shaker full of their favourite crisp seasoning. Now even their Christmas dinner can taste exactly like their real favourite snack.
With a budget of just £15k we managed to make five of the world’s first 3D printed crisp packs and get 16,000 entries and 7 million views in 1 week. Really.
My role: Concept, Script, Art Direction, Design & Creative Direction
Agency: Joint London
Director: Debby Lewis-Harrison @ Dark Energy Films
We also teamed up with influencer Chessie King and her Kettle loving boyfriend Matthew Carter to give the Sweet Chilli shaker a trial before it was shipped off to our lucky winner Nicole Lee.
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